Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Star Trek review

Let me start this off by telling everybody I'm not a trekkie at all was always a Starwars fan. This one changed that... well for the new batch that will me coming down the pipe here in the next decade. The director of this is J.J. Abrams ( I know I spelled that wrong i'm on my iPod) he is the mind behind Lost, Alias and Cloverfiled. He is now one of my favorite directors now, his ability to direct an action scence is amazing, the energy he brought to this franchise was much needed for this generations ADD problem. He was kinds like Micheal Bay in that if you could blow shit up there he did and the movie wasn't half bad either.

The movie like a lot of others in the past years is a reboot of the original but all of it's own what is similar in he old films is the characters and Spocks backstory and home world. This comes from Ahbram's not being a fan of the originals making it his own. We follow James T. Kirk's journey to captin and his eventual friendship with Spock. Kirk is played in a briliant take by Chris Pine it's not an imitation of Shatner, but one with an arrogance and brash that is all new if was great. Sack Quinto's Spock was near on a great, but lost in these two was a very funny performance by Karl Urban as Doc (his nickname the real one escape me at the moment) he has some of the funniest lines in the film. One thing that I didn't like was the lack of the other charcters that got lost because there was not enough time like Sulu (John Cho) and the under utilization of Simon Pegg as Scotty his introduction was great and a fun moment in the film leading up the final act.

Not give away more the story is funny and the visual style is slick and impressive. The Enterprise is a sparkling hi-tech joy that you think it would it would be. Gone are the old uniforms replaced with new updates the will be appreciated. The action sequences in the film are top notch I felt at times I needed a seat belt because I was literaly on the edge of my seat I wanted to stand up. The opening sequence and the final engagement with the umrecognizable Eric Bana as the baddie were thrilling and charged me up. Overall I loved if you can't tell the older fans may not because unlike other films there is less talkin and more ass kicking it was made for the youngsters and keep it that way. It was a winner and they got themselves a good franchise ifnthe studios don't fuck it up I give it two thumbs up so go see it ASAP.

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