Tuesday, June 23, 2009

People Just learn to laugh

I thought this was funny thanks pop

Olivia Munn in Iorn Man 2

My super cleb crush is getting a small role in a big time movie. Best known to geeks and gamers Olivia Munn is a late add to the cast of Iorn Man 2. The Geek Goddess has a few scenes with Robert Downey Jr. and hopefully steals the show. Check out a few picks here and buy the new Playboy with her on the cover keeping it classy with a non nude spread. That's fine with me because she is my future wife and I want all that for me ha.

Alice in Wonderland Pics

Disney is letting Tim Burton remake a live action version if Alice in Wonderland. USA Today had posted new pics of the concept art, I've posted some here down below. This movie looks freaky and may not be to cool for the little ones to watch.

The NBA Draft coming

I'm a basketball fan and for those who know me the Sixers are my squad and for the first time in a long time they are not picking in the lottery. Unlike those Phoenix Suns who are up in the lottery. Now dependig on what the Suns do it could be a good one for them. Then agian if history repeats itself they will find some way to fuck it up by trading the pick for an over the hill player or drafting some euro player.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tranformers 2 getting critical bashing

It's seem that Transformers two is getting a bashing in the reviews, and not just because most people hate Micheal Bay. If you want read a review here http://www.cinemablend.com/reviews/Transformers-Revenge-of-the-Fallen-3973.html I am going to see it early on the 24th and formulate my own opinoin. It will still make a boat load of money I mean fuck it's giant robots beating the shit out of each other.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Ok this looks fantastic a new take on zombie movies and hell Woddy Harrelson is in it how can you not like it

16 year old Skips High School for MLB Draft

Baseball phenom Bryce Harper who is 16 by the way is going to skip his last two years of high school to turn pro. If you have read the Sports Ilustrated article you know that he is damn good, 567ft home runs and a think a 97 mph fast ball batting .600 in his last year of high school baseball.

Now he is being touted as the "Choosen One" for the sport of baseball like LeBron was for the NBA. Now, baseball if the toughest sport to transition from young kid to man in the mental aspect of sports. In my opinion this is a huge mistake and it's not a matter of if but when this will fail. It's not Bryce's fault either you can blame his dad for this one. I'm all for making as much money as you can, but skipping the final two years of high school to do it is insane. Those carrer minor leaugers are going to chew him up and get in his head and there is nothing mommy and daddy can do about it. When this does fail, and you can determine failure as getting 20 million up front failure, we need to have the dad stand up and just say he fucked up and wanted to live through his son. We also need to blame SI for the article and putting it in his head and sucking his dick so much. But, hey who am I to day anything I'm working nights for peanuts comapred to what he will make so go head kid make your money.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Iorn Man pics

Well here is a new pic of Mickey Rourke from USA Today as Whiplash in the new Iorn Man movie. He is the main baddie as long as Sam Rockwell Jon Hammer. Mickey kind of looks like shit then agian years of drugs and plastic surgery will do to ya. Hey the best part of this is that it looks like Jon Favreau os putting together something special agian

Stanley Cup

The NHL has gone to a seventh game. The Pittsburg Penguins and the Detroit Redwings are going at it, but this time it's a game 7. The pens one last night and hey if you ever wanted to watch something exciting then watch all of this game tonight on NBC. Game sevens in hockey are amazing so check it out tonight.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New iPhone 3G S Luanches today

A new iPhone has luanched today and it has some much needed updates to the phone people have been wanting. They have added speed to the network and also the ability to take photo's and send them as well. Apple has also added the ability to take video and send that as well. I also have some news rumors that Verizon will cary the iPhone starting in January and I have heard that from a good source.

Crazy Weekend

I had an eventful weekend camping and then the big homies birthday bash at Toby Kieth's new place, great food by the way, check out this extended blowjob shot video.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This is Amazing

This is the new revolution in gaming and entertainment. I'm not saying this because I own an xbox but Project Nadal blew me away and if this is the only thing you look at on my blog then it's worth it. I'm sorry but this is death to the Wii and I like the Wii

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nintendo Presser at E3

Today Nintendo had it's big presser at E3 in which unveiled it's new motion technology and some of it's upcoming games. There were some pretty interesting concepts thrown around by the head at Nintendo. While I was trying not to fall asleep today after work I watched the whole thing from the head of marketing yakking her face off to Mr. Miyomoto who showed off some of the impressive heart monitoring sensors for the Wii.

Now the big news that I got from the presser was the new Wii Motion Plus controler app for you original Wii control er that allows you more authentic controls for all of your Wii games. It's an add on that allows for free movement on and off the screen, so say you were playing one of the new Wii Sports Resort games you could actually use the new controler to actually use a sword like a real sword. The Sports Resort game looks great for the casual Wii fan which face it is everybody who has one al lot of new games that with the new controller makes things easy and realistic. They showed a demo of a 3 point shooting competition and it was really realistic with the timing and everything else that you needed to have. That was the big motion innovation they were dragging on about, so hey that was kind of interesting.

A big complaint for hardcore gamers have for the Wii is that the games are too kiddied and not difficult enough. Well that may not change, but some of the new games on tap for the coming summer, holiday season and 2010 are looking up for Nintendo. The first game they showed off was a new Mario Bros. game that was more along the lines of 3D which was pretty cool to see as a side scroller. Their big selling point was the seamless switch from one player to multi player having as many as four people playing together at a time. This is not a big seller for me, then again I was never a big fan of Mario to begin with, but Super Mario Galaxy 2 looks beautiful. Other games that wowed me was just the one Metroid: The Other M it looks action packed fast paced and I'm excited to play it at my friends house because it will not make me go out and buy the console myself.

Other than that Nintendo is keeping it simple and trying to stick to the family console and hey if it works for the stock holders than hey make your money. Oh yeah another game that kinda go my attention was the game Red Alert 2 I think the exact name escapes me 18 hours later. But, it looked great and with the new Wii Motion Plus control er the controls look like they will make the game really fun. The shooting and sword wielding is a great concept.

Here are some trailers to sink you teeth into from the presser.

New and Better Trailer

Ok the last trailer I posted for Sherlock Holems was a little off. What I mean by off is that it's to big for my layout, I will figure that out I'm working on my html. Here is one that I got before I saw Terminator: Salvation.

The Weekend in College baseball

It was a crazy weekend in college baseball. First there was that ass kicking that Florida State put on the Ohio State Buckeyes 37-7 in a baseball game. It was 35-0 in the 5th inning, what the hell did Jim Tressel start coaching the baseball team as well talk about a choke job. The next big thing was the 25 inning game between Boston College and Texas the long horns won 3-2 in the longest game ever played in college, the third longest ever played. The relife pitcher Evan Wood came in and pitched 13 relife innings and 12 2/3's were of no hit ball. The man pitched a no no game within a game and still didn't factor into the decison at all want to talk about a kick to the nuts.

I bet that game was great to play in, but not to watch at all it was seven hours long. Imagine you were the umps that game, no sitting, Boston College lost and had to play eight hours later. Which they ended up losing feel bad for those kids, but hey they were part of history

E3 started

Ok if you don't know and you are not a nerd like me, E3 started today. It's the mecca of video game makers and gadgets aroundm better than comic con. It's largly a vehicle for all the major video game companys to come and show off the new games and ideas that they have. Today Microsoft held their big press confrence and had some big things to say I haven't digested all of the presser yet but I will here on a bit. They also debute video games in trailer form and even mover makers get involved and show off new trailers or announce new projects that they have here is a trailer for a game Dante's Inferno, yes it is a take on the story, it looks pretty damn good