Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nintendo Presser at E3

Today Nintendo had it's big presser at E3 in which unveiled it's new motion technology and some of it's upcoming games. There were some pretty interesting concepts thrown around by the head at Nintendo. While I was trying not to fall asleep today after work I watched the whole thing from the head of marketing yakking her face off to Mr. Miyomoto who showed off some of the impressive heart monitoring sensors for the Wii.

Now the big news that I got from the presser was the new Wii Motion Plus controler app for you original Wii control er that allows you more authentic controls for all of your Wii games. It's an add on that allows for free movement on and off the screen, so say you were playing one of the new Wii Sports Resort games you could actually use the new controler to actually use a sword like a real sword. The Sports Resort game looks great for the casual Wii fan which face it is everybody who has one al lot of new games that with the new controller makes things easy and realistic. They showed a demo of a 3 point shooting competition and it was really realistic with the timing and everything else that you needed to have. That was the big motion innovation they were dragging on about, so hey that was kind of interesting.

A big complaint for hardcore gamers have for the Wii is that the games are too kiddied and not difficult enough. Well that may not change, but some of the new games on tap for the coming summer, holiday season and 2010 are looking up for Nintendo. The first game they showed off was a new Mario Bros. game that was more along the lines of 3D which was pretty cool to see as a side scroller. Their big selling point was the seamless switch from one player to multi player having as many as four people playing together at a time. This is not a big seller for me, then again I was never a big fan of Mario to begin with, but Super Mario Galaxy 2 looks beautiful. Other games that wowed me was just the one Metroid: The Other M it looks action packed fast paced and I'm excited to play it at my friends house because it will not make me go out and buy the console myself.

Other than that Nintendo is keeping it simple and trying to stick to the family console and hey if it works for the stock holders than hey make your money. Oh yeah another game that kinda go my attention was the game Red Alert 2 I think the exact name escapes me 18 hours later. But, it looked great and with the new Wii Motion Plus control er the controls look like they will make the game really fun. The shooting and sword wielding is a great concept.

Here are some trailers to sink you teeth into from the presser.

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