Friday, July 31, 2009


I love this


Check out this trailer for the new Wes Anderson's new animation project that star George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Jason Schwartzman and Bill Murry. It looks like robot chicken and with the stars in it yould think it was better but it looks cool and some of the one liners are funny. It will most likely be a hit with kids and something to go see when you are stoned so go check it out the trailer is below


Well another player popped for testing positive from that so called anonymous test back in 2003 that the MLB conducted on performance enhancing drugs. According to the New York Times David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez were both on this list, according to sources that have seen the list. When confronted by this Ortiz was "shocked" by the news that he had tested positive and said he would get down to the bottom of this. Ortiz then went out and went 2 for 3 with a home run that sealed the game. After the game when asked about the allegations Ortiz referenced the statement that he put out earlier in the day.

I don't know about you, but this is no surprise. I really can't blame him, because at the time of the testing non of these substances were not illegal in baseball so you can't say it was cheating. With the way these facts are coming out you gotta think that everybody was doing it so it's a level playing field in that way. The only reason it's a problem in baseball is because it is such a numbers driven sport and it's the only sport that let's you into the Hall of Fame without consideration of the championships you've won. Well it's another one who was caught who cares no one did when everybody was hitting homers and putting butts in the seats. So hate on these guys all you want but if you had the choice to take something that gave you the potential to make more money at work you would.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Check out the new song by De La Soul it's good music and good flow. I love the beat its all about the energy so click on the link check it out good shit.


During my trip to Carlsbad found a new hip hop podcast for all of you underground backpackers check it out it's pretty dope. It's called Classic Example find it on iTunes I'm not a big backpacker, but this show reminds me why I feel in love with hip hop in the first place and I'm really starting to turn on southern rap.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


James Cameron has finally showed up at Comic Con and he is living. The reclusive director of one of the best selling movies ever in Titanic has debuted some of the first images from the movie. Now I don't know much about Avatar but from many websites they are saying that this will be the moive to define the way movies are made from here on out. These are big expectations, but Cameron's used to them and he pulled it off with the epic Titanic (which I didn't like) so it might be pretty good here's a pic of the aliens that are going to be in the movie. They are called Na'avi, I will be updating later on the synopsis sice I haven't read the whole thing yet more later.


The Wachowski brothers are at it again. The makers of the Matrix Triology (the last two moives were kind of terrible) have got themselves something pretty cool. The movies is called NINJA ASSASSIN I've got the trailer right here and I think it's going to be cool. Now the main plot deatails are this young orphan boy is taken in by an elite organization of assassins. Young boy becomes a man he is now the best and his organiztion turns on him making him the target now man has to kick ass to be free. Seems basic and kick ass check out the trailer here.


Well ESPN is reporting that Michael Vick will be reinstated later this week which means Friday. Vick has been meeting with the head of the PLlayers Union and they have been prepping him for the meeting with Roger Goodell. If all goes well, which all indications are saying they will, he will be conditionally reinstated. For those who don't speak commish that means he will let Vick back in but, it's up to the owners to sign him. Now no team has expressed intrest yet, but my little nonmeaningful opinion is that the only team that have the owner with the balls or a stable enough locker room to handle it are the Raiders, Redskins, Pats and maybe the 49ers so if that's one of your teams get ready to welcome the circus to town. Vote on my poll to the right I can tell what the response is going to be if there is one.


I love this it's stuff fatties falling. This will be a weekly thing so look forward to it. If you have a problem well... fuck it lose weight ha just playing.


Baseball fans who have iPhones or iPod Touches should be happy. You can now get all the games you want on the go. With a fee of $9.99 you will be able to receive live streaming games on your device. This is cool for those of you who love it but, the downer is that you have to subscribe to the pay service that already has where you can watch the games online. For those of you who are fans of shit teams like me (fucking Diamondbacks) it's a waste but for those of you who have good teams go for it


I know you've proably seen this already but here you go this is the LeBron James facial ha. It's shitty video but it is a cell phone video check it out at this link

Iorn Man 2 it's a wrap

Ok kiddies one of the most anticipated sequals for next summer has wrapped this week. Iorn Man 2 is in the can and we are waiting for footage from the Comic-Con pannel to surface later this weekend, but til then here are some pics I snagged from Entertainment Weekly and USA Today

The Wild Things will be in IMAX

A big annoucement from Comic-Con is that the movie WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE based on the wildly popular novel from my youth will be in stunning IMAX. It's going to be directed by Spike Jonez who is good but it will be a trip I'm counting on it. Hell when I was little the book creeped me out good luck little ones who go see this one.

Comic-Con has begun

Comic-Con 2009 has begun and I will have updates here. If you don't know what this is your not a geek so be proud. For those of you who want to know it's a gathering of geeks and beautiful women dressed like cartoon super chicks which is very hot by the way. Here they debut new comic books some video games and more importantly new movie updates that are geared more towards the sci-fi crowd and super hero stuff so stay tuned for more news from there here.