Thursday, July 23, 2009


Well ESPN is reporting that Michael Vick will be reinstated later this week which means Friday. Vick has been meeting with the head of the PLlayers Union and they have been prepping him for the meeting with Roger Goodell. If all goes well, which all indications are saying they will, he will be conditionally reinstated. For those who don't speak commish that means he will let Vick back in but, it's up to the owners to sign him. Now no team has expressed intrest yet, but my little nonmeaningful opinion is that the only team that have the owner with the balls or a stable enough locker room to handle it are the Raiders, Redskins, Pats and maybe the 49ers so if that's one of your teams get ready to welcome the circus to town. Vote on my poll to the right I can tell what the response is going to be if there is one.

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