Friday, August 28, 2009


Here is an interesting movie that I ran across on It is a movie that stars Ewan McGregor and it's about spies, but in a strange way. It has been adapted from the book Jon Ronson's book titled The Men Who Stare At Goats about a group of Military Specialist that are trained in ancient Chinese mind techniques that build "unparalleled psychic powers to read enemy's thoughts, pass through solid walls and even kill goat simply by staring at it."

It looks pretty cool and with the cast involved including George Clooney, Kevin Spacey and Jeff Bridges it's gotta be good. It's more of a dark comedy along the lines of Burn After Reading and with Jeff Bridges returning to comedy again it's going to be silly and you will get some laughs if you can find it. The movie will open at the Toronto International Film festival and will be in limited release November 6th. Another interesting tid bit this movie was on the black list for 2006. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a list of the best unproduced screenplays for the year so it's pretty well written.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Recently Sony has released a new walkman. I know what your saying "A fucking walkman is it 1987?" no it pretty damn sweet. It is called the S Series and it will retail at $110 for the 8GB and $130 for a 16GB. This extremely stylish little device is MP3 formatted and comes with high quality speakers so you can share you love of shitty music to the world.

Even with the high quality speakers this device is extremely thin coming in at 0.5" thick. It also comes with a 2.4" QVGA LCD screen that is extremely responsive and lacks the lag of some other portable video players.

If your worried about taking it on the road don't be the music player comes with a continuous audio playback of up to 42 hours and 6.5 hours of video playback. These numbers sadly are only if you want to have a solo experience if you want all around to hear and see what you prefer it has only 17 hours of continuous audio playback and only 5 hours of video playback on the external speakers. That is over half of your playback time and is a little shitty but these are to be personal devices so keep it to yourself. This excellent device also comes in a variety of colors, black, red, violet and pink to suit everybody.


I snagged this little tid bit from where they looked into the wonderful lives of multi-million dollar athletes and how long it takes them to make 100K

Mr. Alex Rodriguez needs to see six pitches to make 100K
Big Ben Roethlisberger needs to take a mere 3.6 snaps to get that 100k paper, LeBron James only needs to be on the court for 21.6 floor minutes, and Tiger only needs to play 11.2 holes to make 100k worth of chedda according to the rappers.

Athletes that need to work a little harder are Tony Stewart, who needs to make left hand turns for 124.8 laps to make 100k and Roger Federer needs to play 28 of tennis to make 100K. Now think about how long it would take you to make 100K and now think about how I ruined you day sorry.


Here goes a great shot that will get you laid if you can get a little lady or man to slam a few of these. This little guy is called Booty Juice here's the recipe

1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur
1/2 oz Malibu rum
1/2 oz Spiced rum (Bacardi)
1/4 oz Bacadi 151

Fill mixing glass 1/2 with ice. Add all ingredients, strain into a rocks glass

Enjoy... responsibly of course.


Guess what they are doing redoing one of the classics. Well not really a reboot Warner Bros. was reported as saying that Dakota Fanning is tabbed to star in the "remake", sequel if you will of the Wizard of OZ.

This is really an idea that has been kicked around for years I guess. Todd McFarlane has been trying to make this version since 1997. Like most remakes they are trying to make it "darker" and "more action packed" version. What I don't understand is that the original author of the OZ world L Frank Baum has already written multiple sequels that head back to the wonderful world of OZ. They even made a movie of one the little seen Return to OZ (I saw it).

The Daily Express is the source of this story and for what it's worth they are a British tabloid. With the reputations of some of those bad boys you can take this with a grain of salt. According to the Express rumor has it Fanning will be the granddaughter of Dorthy.


This is a new Laurence Fishburn and Matt Dillion vehicle looks interesting, but it's pretty much more of the same down on your luck folks trying to steal from the man. Then something goes wrong and one lost soul decides to make the right choice all of a sudden instead of going with the flow and just taking the money is disappearing.

Here you go.


Saw this on the old youtube thought it was great check it out fat people falling down ha

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


According and confirmed by FOXSPORTS.COM's Alex Marvez Phillip Rivers just signed a huge six year contract extension with the San Diego Chargers today. The deal is worth a total of $92 million dollars with $38.5 mil guaranteed. Rivers will make a little over the $50 mil over the first three years of the deal QB in the league.

He is coming off of one of his best years of his career and one of the best of any Charger quarterbacks ever. Even though he has not won a super bowl yet even if he has maybe the most talented roster in football over the past few years. This is a great move for San Diego and all of those fans in the city of "Whales Vagina" as the great Ron Burgandy would say. Is he worth it who know but I can't hate the man if someone threw that much cash down in front of me I would sign on the dotted line and laugh all the way to the back with my new found Scrooge McDuck money. So recap River's inks a new $92 million dollar contract and how was your Monday not that good I'm guessing


Christpoher Nolan's latest movie has wrapped and no it's not Batman 3 like we all want it's Inception. It's a sci-fi thriller that people know little about, in the trailer all you are going to get is some weird music, people fighting in a hallway that seems to be detached from gravity and a lot of Leo DiCaprio so enjoy. If you want to see it in the theaters it is playing in front of Inglorious Bastards, which I heard is a good one.


Silly Captain Jack is back and the movies is rolling along. Pirates 4 is coming down the pipe Johnny Depp is signed on to reprise his roll as Captain Jack. Some of the plot is that he is now in a race to find the fountain of youth, but the big news is a bout the villain in the movie. It's not Barbosa, but it just might be another nautical legend in Captin Nemo which would be pretty cool.

Jerry Bruckhimer is thinking of taking this into a more sci-fi feel now with the villains using better equipment than our pirate friends. So look out for this coming down the pipe and starting produciton soon.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Also on deck today is this WolfMan trailer staring Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins. It's the classic wolfman story just using cool computer graphics and great makeup. You can check out a better version at Yahoo! movies, but just to build up the hits to my page just check it out here.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


This is a story of stupidity, Plaxico Burress heading to jail for two years because he was a dumb for wearing sweat pants in a Spanish Harlem night club and shooting himself in the leg. In the state of New York they have very harsh gun laws in which if you have a non registered gun in that state you will serve a mandatory three years in jail.

His lawyer fucked up and decided he wanted to fight it, but the evidence was way too strong, I mean they found the gun and he shot himself. He plead down to serving two years or twenty months in jail and that means his football careere is pretty much over. He is 31 and when he gets out he will be 34 and that is death foe a wide reciver so good bye and well that sucks you lost a job that I would've took in a heartbeat. You get paid a kings ransomm to play a kids game, hmmm easy how you can fuck things up ah well


For those of you like me who did not get to see the 25 minutes of footage at Comic Con. Here is the trailer for Avatar it looks amazing. It is going to mix of CGI and live action, on Friday if you were special enough to get a ticket the full length 16 minute trailer will be played in front and after Harry Potter this weekend. This is low res footage go to and check out the hi res. You won't get much out of the plot here but it looks beautiful and how the hell did Michelle Rodriguez get into this movie.


The big day is tomorrow for James Cameron to reveal his 16 minute long trailer for AVATAR. Until then here are some production stills that are starting to enter the blogosphere. The one good thing about being up all night I can grab some of these things early from those on the east coast. got there hands on these stills and I bring them to you. Be ready for the bombardment of publicity this movie will get because it is going to be huge.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


All I have to say is that Twilight is huge and I need more readers of this blog and that's it. If you know me I hate this, but give them (and I mean women) what they want. Ladies lots of dudes with their shirts off, which I'm still wondering why the all have their shirts off together in the first place anyway, enjoy.


Just saw some official footage of the new Sly Stallone film The Expendables. It's a tribute to the old action films of the 80's and early 90's. The movies stars Sly, Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Randy Couture and just added today was Bruce Willis. This is the ultimate team up of old action stars I'm kind of excited to see it. All they are missing is Arnold and if he wasn't running California into the ground he would be in it.

The footage is mostly behind-the-scenes footage getting ready for UFC 102 later in the month check it out.

-Update- Arnold is in the movie in a small roll now it is the ultimate throw back action movie


For people who know me and those who read this god awful blog one I'm sorry, but two you know I'm always around with my camera of Flip you may have see it pointed at you trying to get you in an embarrassing moment. Now Kodak has something similar but a little better. It's called a Zi8 it looks just like a Flip, but has 1080p resolution (HD) built in and instead of a switch blade type thing that pops out and takes up a port on you laptop it has a cord that plugs into the back. That is a great thing for me anyway it ranges in the $180 range which for something this cool is a great price. The downer is that it has no internal memory and it doesn't come with a memory card shit, but I may have found my new obsession.


The loveable little blue people who some how reproduce with just one female are coming to the big screen. That's right the Smurfs are getting a live action movie and if you think it's going to be set in a fantastical villiage set to do battle with an evil wizard. Think again they are taking them out of there enviornment and moving them into the human world.

Sony has the rights and is making the movie and they sent out a casting notice that backstage has grabbed and posted:

Seeking—Sophie: ages 8-10, a girl of great imagination and originality, though always appealing, she is often socially awkward and doesn't fit in with the other kids, she's smart and open, though she can be physically clumsy, when she discovers that the "doll" her father brought home from Belgium is actually a living, breathing Smurf, she takes "Clumsy" in as a member of the family and tries to get the household to embrace him and the rest of the Smurfs; Sam: 13-16 (to play 14-15), Sophie's brother, a good kid, but he's going through that phase where he can be difficult and withdrawn and retreat to his room to play video games, through his involvement in the Smurfs' quest to get home, he reconnects with his parents and sister.

Release Date for this film December 17 2010

Monday, August 17, 2009


Ok there is still some fall out from Comic Con '09 the show stopper Kick Ass that was made independantly by Matthew Vaughn adapted from the graphic Novel of the same name created by Mark Millar and John Romita, Jr. They hit the big time and just got distrubution by Lionsgate films and will be relased in 2010 according to Aint It Cool News.

This movie is about a kid who is really into comic books and like all of us who read them and wanted to be a superhero he actually does it. He get's a coustume, a new name Kick-Ass and fights crime nightly. The one bad thing is, he has no super powers, he inspires more vigilantes and a group of villians who want to kill him. He joins up with a group of other costumed heros and one bad ass, sword wielding 11 year-old girl who is exrtremly violent so look for it in theaters in mid summer next year here is the comic con footage below

I lied no footage available because Lionsgate made people take it down ah well if you can find the trailer online check it out I will do my hardest to find it you need to see it.

Friday, August 14, 2009


The great people at got there hands on a beautiful image of Sam Worthington in James Cameron's epic movie Avatar. Well it's only ecpic to movie geeks like me.

This is an image of Worthington's character a marine on an alien planet. That thing in the giant blue ish tank is his Avatar that allows him to move around on the alien planet. You got a good look at half of his face on a poster that I posted earlier check it out. I'm kinda geeked for this movie.


Ok this movies looks all kinds of insane but it mitght ne pretty damn good. The trailer starts off with an angel who has come to earth to protect mankind from... God himself. Apparently he has gotten sick of us and has sent his angels to kill us. It's pretty rowdy and well it could be pretty good.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


This is footage that they showed at Comic Con this year. It looks amazing and Warmachine makes and apperance at the end at it's amazing 2010. Check it out down below it's worth it and now I'm really excited for 2010.


Check this out I thought it was fucking great ha! I'm using that word all day

Friday, August 7, 2009


This just popped up yesterday and if I do say so myself it looks incredible One of the most popular children's books of all time has come to life. I think Spike Jonze did an amazing job putting together Where The Wild Things Are check the trailer below and hi res at


Check out the footwork and well he falls nuff said

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Check out the redband trailer for Zombieland it looks pretty fucking good. I just cussed because they do it in the trailer. Head to the link below to check it out.


Ok I can't wait to see this movies and Mila Kunis is beautiful I would do dirty things to her. She is in Mike Judge's new flick called Extract, Judge is best known for making the awesome movie Office Space. This movie is about a packing plant and it bungling manger played by Jason Bateman and it has a scruffy looking Ben Aflack in a return to something funny. This should be a good one and I will grab another trailer and throw it up here later this week, but here is a pic for ya for now I love you Mila lets have beautiful Greek and black babies.


Well I just found something that I want in my house if I can afford it. Coca Cola is introducing the soda fountain of the future pretty soon. It will let you make combinations of any soda you want, not just six different choices but combos that you tried to make as kids that really didn't come out to right. You could have a diet cherry sprite if you wanted to the machine comes with all the flavors all you have to do is pick a button.

Like I said earlier I really want this fountain the convenience is just awesome and if you have a party you can charge your friends for cups. I'm just playing I wouldn't do that to you guys... or would I?


Eli Manning is now the richest player in NFL history. According to Jay Glazer of FOX Sports Eli has signed a six year $95 million dollar deal. I bet that trophy wife is extremely happy by the way. He has about $35 million in guaranteed money and the average over the six years will be about $16 mill a year.

Now whether he deserves it or not is debatable because he isn't even the best quarterback in his division (that belongs to Donovan F. McNabb) but you can't fault New York for signing there guy. If you got a franchise QB make sure they are happy, he will never see all that money but hey what would it be like to just have that offer in front of you? I don't know bout you but I would pass out and possibly mess myself.