Friday, October 29, 2010


Now I know for some of you Halloween is just another holiday for you to buy something your kids will not care about in about three days. Another opportunity for kids to gather and spread germs and for the older teens bag snatch (don't act like you didn't do it). For me however it's probably my favorite holiday as an adult.

I have no kids like all of you know, but the main reason I love Halloween as an dult is because everybody lets loose. For those adult parties you get to see women dressed in as little as possible and call it a costume. There are so many costumes that are just lingerie past off as a sexy cat, nurse, devil, angel, witch, vampire etc, etc. It's pretty amazing I know some women who work out a month in advance just so they look good in there stripper heels. This weekend you single guys out there take advantage, hell if you not, take advantage. Let you lady dress up like the stripper she wants to dress like, because this holiday is the "slut" pass that every woman get once a year and the excuse is it's just Halloween or I was drunk. Ok ladies don't get me wrong not all of you are sluts or strippers don't get me wrong not saying that, but from past experience this is kind of what happens.

From college on the girls try to dress as sexy as possible up until they get the kids and have to do the march around town getting candy. the parties tend to be a little less inhibited as well if you are at a house party don't be surprised to see a tit pop out at some point or even at a bar. Ladies it's not just you guys that let loose we fellas do as well. Check out every guys who wants to be a Spartan warrior form 300, cop, firefighter or whatever. It's just the chance of us to be what we always wanted to be or something to break the ice with that sexy chick dressed the the female Iron Man outfit with the belly out, boy shorts and high heel boots. We become a little more outgoing because well you can't see what we look like or who we are a little funny. Overall it's just a good time I dig it and for one night there will be a lot of role playing going on in bedrooms and hotel rooms which is always fun and being a little naughty never hurt anybody once a year so all you ladies hope you worked out to fit into your outfit and it you didn't just cover it up and the same goes for you fellas. You don't want to be the fat Spartan that stayed in the back picking up the dead saying you have a thyroid problem.


Wow it has been a long time since I did this I'm a little rusty well here we go. Went to my go to spot and found this little tid bit. One of the best directors out right now and in my opion the best Christopher Nolan has announced the title of the next Batman movie. It will be called The Dark Knight Rises , it sounds cool, but doesn't give much light into the villain for the sequel which is all I want to know. According to some reports it was rumored to be The Riddler but that has since been debunked and now there are casting calls being put out for the female lead in the film so maybe Catwoman? Hmm, that would be very interesting.

So here is a little taste of what I've got in store football season is winding down and I will have more time to research and blog so there will be more to come I promise. There will be more babe of the week, sports stuff, film reviews (becasue I will watch them), tech reviews and just crazy shit because it's time to live life again.