Monday, June 14, 2010


So I totally forgot that this huge event started. If you don't know what E3 is, it is where a multi billion dollar form of entertainment gets together and teases everyone with the next great money making ideas that will be out in the next year concerning video gaming. This is a great event for gamers like me and people who love to see the evolution of technology. Each company in the first day gets about two hours to hold a press conference to show what they have at the show this year. The one I'm going to start off with is the company Ubisoft. There were more before it, but I was out and well like I said before I forgot about is so I will review those after I get a chance to watch them online. Here is the break down from Ubisoft's presser though enjoy.

Ok, so I'm not in Los Angeles to watch this live, but I would give my left nut to be there covering it. Put is this way E3 is on my bucket list I will tell you that. So good thing I have Directv (plug, plug) and they give me the G4 network so I get to watch it live. The presser started out impressive with a small Chinese man conducting music with no orchestra and amazing visuals. As it was ending G4 decided to have technical difficulties and I missed out on what the hell was going on but it was impressive. The presser was hosted by Joel Mchale which brought major entertainment and they went about pushing the point that this year gaming will be all about the feel of games. Not in a physical pain way because if that were the case with all the games that I play that involve shooting, stabbing or hitting someone I will be a very beat up person. No, it's all about the emotional experience and they started off by showing off Ubisoft's crown jewel in Assassins Creed: Brotherhood. I'm telling you it looked amazing they showed a cinematic scene to intro it and it was well done. You can tell there was motion capture done with it and done beautifully. The game play showed that was great as well with new aggressive game play unlike the last two games that were more on counter attacks and stealth. It looks amazing and can't wait for it be released which it is set to release November 16th so look for that.

The presser then moved on to Shawn White looking at his new skateboard game. I'm not a huge fan of the skateboard games and White's last game sucked ass so anything is a improvement. As with this game the innovative thing that looked great was the ability to change the enviorments while in game play could be interesting, but not for me. After Mr. White left the stage Mchale then stated getting into his routine and then a ruckus began in the balcony and we see people running around the theater and wouldn't you know it they have laser tag guns. Apparently, Ubisoft created a laser tag game and gun that you can use at home. Some people love this idea I don't like this idea, so much that I decided to take a shower during this segment and totally ignored it. I'm sorry, I don't want to be running around my living room with a gun shooting at check points and my apartment isn't that big there will be no fun.

Next Ubisoft unveiled it's addition to the video gaming version of fitness at home with it's motion sports. Now this technology has been blowing me away with Xbox 360's Kinetic which debuted last year under the name Project Natal. The motion sports is great you can use the Kinect to do all sports and the ability to sync your body's movements on the screen is great. It's just like Wii sports, but I can do it on the Xbox 360 that's what sold me.

The last thing that I really liked was the new Ghost Recon: Future Solider game. With the new weapons and stealth suits how can you not love it. The visuals were amazing and the demo that they showed was small, but gave you a glimpse into what they will be able to do. The game play is simpler and the ability to use and switch to your other squad members will be what interest me about all of that. There were a few little things that Ubisoft is banking on like the ability for gamers to build and customize your own levels in gaming. This means creating your own game in simpler terms don't know how it will work out, but hey you never know so we will see how it works out.

So those were the key points that I saw from the presser that made me sit up and say hmmm. I will try to post the presser up here so you can take a look for yourself. So keep you browsers looked in here for more updates and reviews of all the pressers and news. It should be a great expo and year for games the technology is improving and evolving it's a great time to be a gamer.

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