Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Monday was a big day at E3 for everyone especially with Microsoft. The ten year anniversary of the console, it was also the big pay off with Microsoft’s “Project Natal” which is now renamed “Kinect”. Microsoft is really pushing this new technology and game play this year. Kinect was introduced on Sunday before E3 it is a peripheral which will connect to all Xbox 360’s that are out there and the new design which I will get into later. Kinect is the big seller this year and for me it looks amazing with the freedom to do almost anything on your Xbox with just the wave of your hand. That’s right no more controllers for us Xbox users. In the 2010 holiday season there will be fifteen Kinect games that will released along with the connect device it’s self.

Regarding the Kinect, the device was impressive from the ability of the device to recognize you by just scanning your body and uploading you Xbox avatar. I think this is great and has endless possibilities then again I’m just a big fan of this controller less technology. With the ability to video chat with the device and communicate with almost anyone around the world with a simple wave of the hand or even a voice command. Along with video chat you can also browse the internet together or even watch a movie at the same time taking communicating with others to new heights. Kinect will also allow the user to access all of Xbox Live’s menus and functions without the controller as well making it simple to scroll through you downloaded movies, facebook page and playlist that are downloaded to your Xbox. Along with the Kinect Microsoft also announced their partnership with ESPN in which they will broadcast live sporting events to all Xbox Live Gold members for free offering you the ability to root for all of you favorite teams. Now to the games, there were a variety of new games for the Kinect that will allow you to move freely in the virtual world in you living room. With a multitude of games coming in the holiday season which will give you a variety of gaming options from dance and fitness titles to racing and adventure titles. So this will be something that I will be into so if you come by the house you will see me jumping around my living room like an idiot. Just deal with it there were also games that they unveiled as well so let’s get into those.

They previewed a few trailers in the beginning and one I was really excited about the first game made for Xbox by the creators of Metal Gear Solid called Metal Gear Solid: Rising. This one looks impressive and smooth the in game action looked good and bloody, but by far is not finished. There were also a few more big titles that were debuted.

Cliffy B was there from Epic games is show off Gears of War 3. In this demo he demonstrated the ability to play a four person co op campaign and also debuted two new female characters as well as beast mode. With the mutating enemies it was a pretty impressive demo and shows some real potential and will no doubt be a huge seller when it comes out in November.

We also saw Call of Duty: Black Ops, this game will be set in Vietnam. The trailer and demo that was shown was like most expected, excellent. The look was well done and hey we have seen that from most E3 games you have got to put your best foot forward. They also made the announcement that all Call of Duty games will be released on the 360 before any other console can get their hands on them. So that means if you want to be the first to get Call of Duty you need to switch to the Xbox. Release date November 9

We also saw a trailer for Fable III, it looks like it is set in more modern times. It looks more like colonial times other than that you will still have all of your magic, mayhem and all the free will you want. I wasn’t a fan of the first two games and I’m sure I won’t be of this one. Any game where I can make my guy fall in love with another man and it’s not the Sims then I say no sir.

What Microsoft E3 would be complete without the traditional Halo game? This year it would be Halo Reach all we saw out of this one was more of the same Halo game play. Except this story is more of prequel to the original game setting things up for when we first meet Master Chief. The one thing that I enjoyed from the footage shown was the squad play like ODST, but with more Spartans and more of those guys equals just more fun and one is a female. Also, they showed a glimpse of possible aerial combat to come in space cruisers which is a nice touch to the game play. Release Date September 14th.

Lastly Microsoft did something I thought they would do a long time ago. They announced that they have redesigned the Xbox 360 it is now all black and slimmer. Now, you want to talk about sexy this thing would look great in you living room and will look god in mine when I get it. It also will come along with 250 GB of hard drive memory and built in wireless internet no blu ray that I know of. No blu ray really sucks but it will allow you to view high definition movies on it I may have to just stick in a blu ray disk and see what happens. The big news in all of this is that the price of all this that you get is $299 which is awesome and the new system shipped out yesterday and will be on shelves this week. Check out the video below.

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