Monday, September 28, 2009


I'm going to start a new weekly posting Girl of the Week and not according to websites or hit on Google, but from my own taste. If you want to chime in leave a comment or even email me and I will put on of the ones you think are super hot up here.

First girl is Mila Kunis, I've had a thing for this girl since she was the stuck up Jackie on That 70's Show. She is in the new Denzel Washington movie The Book of Eli check out the trailer in on of the earlier post and pics of her here.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


In a report done by Nikki Finke over at Deadline Hollywood there could be trouble brewing over at MGM. Apparently they have come up short on the figures from last year and are seeking more money from it shareholders in a meeting that took place at the end of last week.

MGM made a desperate plea for money because the studio had missed its numbers and was going to be out of funds very soon. "The implication was that it's teetering on bankruptcy," one source told me. MGM said it needed $20M in short-term cash flow to cover overhead, and an additional $150 million to get through the end of year and continue funding its projects, and to start Peter Jackson's Hobbit.
...if MGM were forced into bankruptcy, then it would lose James Bond and the studio doesn't think it can stay alive without 007.
Also, if MGM goes through bankruptcy, that's a very expensive prospect (where only the lawyers get rich), and extremely disruptive (since who would do business with MGM in the interim) and won’t get the creditors what they want which is their money back. It's more than simply MGM losing Bond. The studio could lose a lot of other franchises.

You can find out more details of the meeting over at Deadline Hollywoods website.

I'm thinking if MGM goes under Jackson's The Hobbit and 007 will be fine and be snatched up by another studio quickly, but some of the other franchises wouldn't be so lucky. Then again those two were the only ones that will make any money now as it is.


Well there has been a rumor floating around the net that Apple has a tablet pc on the horizon. For those of you who are not familiar with that is going to be a laptop you can lay down flat and write on like a notebook pretty kick ass. Well don't fear because Microsoft has already got one, check out the video below.

Here's the deal it has two 7-inch touch screens. It is designed for scrolling, flicking (like an iPod touch) and writing on it with our finger or a stylus. On the bottom of the screen it will display you wireless signal and battery life, like and iPhone it will have that little home button that will take you back to the beginning of wherever you started. It's in the "late prototype" stage right now, but I will be the first in line when they put this beast on the market.


In this new trailer Denzel kicks some ass. I haven't seen this Denzel Washingto in a good long while and Mila Kunis dosen't look half bad either so check it out I think it's pretty kick ass.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Here is the profile of the man everybody is tryig to take down in the Ultimate Fighter house big Kimbo Slice

Thursday, September 17, 2009


According to there are confirmed rumors of Hancock 2 will be made. Director Peter Berg is now starting to write the new script now and it has been confirmed that Will Smith will be back as well as Charlize Theron, but the great Jason Bateman is still up in the air. The script may involve another god like opponent in the mold of Hancock will be in this one according to Berg.

Well, I wasn't really thrilled with the first one and it left me wanting more. The original premise of super hero with problems who doesn't give a shit it was great. Then it got all sappy with some love story gone wrong yeah I could've lived without that, but I will go see this one.


Well Floyd "Money" Maywether is back this weekend for a so called "tune up" fight with Juan Manuel Marquez. This will be a really good fight because Marquez is a tough fighter who arguably beat Manny "Pacman" Pacquio (I can't spell it and I'm being lazy) twice so this man is no slouch. If you have been watching 24/7 you Marquez drinks his own pee and we all know that is crazy. But, Marquez is in shape he is moving up in weight to fight Maywether which could be his downfall in this one, making him too slow. Maywether coming off of two years of not fighting looks good and he works harder than anybody out there so he will be in shape for this fight, but will he be focused on Marquez or Manny down the road.

My prediction for this fight is this, if anybody will get Maywether right now it's Marquez he is an awesome offensive fighter and is always coming forward. He has strong hands, but is moving up by about ten pounds to take this fight with the naturally larger man in Maywether. Taking that into account Maywether is undefeated for a reason and is fighting for respect not just to get the pound for pound title back, but for boxing. On the same night we have a UFC fight going on as well which will be interesting to see who draws more of an audience. Back to my original point Maywether will win by decision in 12 and set up a mega fight at the beginning of 2010 with Manny. Have fun people, I will and if you know me you will know where I will be at with a drink in one and and a chicks booty cheek in the other ha.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I found this somewhere and thought is was hilarious and I share it with you now.


Ok everybody know I'm not a fan of the Twilight saga, but I need readers to this damn blog so here is the latest and official trailer for Twilight: New Moon. I just don't understand what's with all the shirtless dudes other than that the trailer doesn't look half bad... What the fuck am I saying oh god they might have me too... I doubt it


Here is the first trailer for A Christmas Carol staring Jim Carrey. You may call bullshit it's mot him, but it is and yes it's an animated movie. It looks kind of cool but the animation is creepy as hell and well if I was ten might make me pee my pants a little. Check it out below


According to Quinten "Rampage" Jackson is going to be B.A. Barackus in the A-Team movie that starts shooting tomorrow in Toronto. The premise of the movie is going to follow the TV show where instead of the Vietnam war they will be set in the Middle-East. The crew will still be wrongly imprisoned for war crimes, breakout and fight for the little guy.

Since they confirmed B.A. so they need to finish the rest of the cast. Playing Hannibal is Liam Neeson, Face is going to be the handsome Bradley Cooper and Murdock hasn't been cast yet but the front runner is the District 9 breakout star Sharlto Copley. I'm looking forward to this movie it should be kick ass.


I finally got a chance to see what Kanye West did at the VMA's tonight. Now I don't condone some of the things that man does and I am not a Kanye West apologist, but I can see where he is coming from. Now he didn't have a problem with Taylor Swift he just has a problem with the process and what is judged as award winning artistry. Now I don't know what video that Beyonce was nominated for and I don't know what video Taylor Swift was nominated for I'm sure they were both good. Here is the problem the people that vote for these things are corporate yuppies that have to cater to their core audience which is hate to say the 15-25 year old white women who watch all the reality shows and used to watch TRL. That is the reason she won not on her ability to make a breakthrough in video music making they have to sell the ad time and get those girls to watch more TV. This is the main reason I don't watch the Movie Awards anymore I mean when Twilight wins movie of the year over The Dark Night then you know all that goes on at MTV is bullshit. This is just my opinion and I can see where Kanye is coming from just his timing to voice his opinion was not the best in the world it took away from Taylor Swift's moment. Don't get me wrong Taylor Swift is an amazing talent and is legit, she writes and composes her own stuff, she has got talent unlike a lot of the put together teen pop stars. If you haven't seen it yet here you go tell me what you think leave a comment.

Friday, September 11, 2009


As some of you may know I recently purchased a new TV in the past month (and now it is past it's time). Well here is something shinny and new for those of you looking to be all kinds of gaudy. I got this from JVC is putting out the first 3D capable TV out there. Now most Hollywood execs and higher ups already have this stuff because of all the 3D movies and content coming out in the near future, but for us littel people it's finaly being released.

The resolution is only 2,000:1 static ratio so don't dump that LED just yet. JVC said that the set will offer a flicker-free 3D image, but it also requires those dorky glasses that you need to wear. I mean it might be cool to have 3D in my place, but at $9,153 who needs it I can wait, but if you gotta have it talk to you local home theater installer and they can hook it up.


Well I've never had this one personally, but the name is awesome it's called Pure White Evil oh that's rich. If you see me out and about let's have one here's the recipe:

- 5 oz. Everclear, 190 proof
- 2 oz. Rum
- 2 oz. Vodka
- 5 oz. Whiskey
- 1 dash Lemon Juice
- 1 wedge Lemon

Mix together, light it then drink away

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Tila Tequila
Tila Tequila Pictures

If you haven't heard or if your a female and read the rag mags I'm going to try and fill you in. Over the weekend San Diego Chargers All Pro Linebacker Shawne Merriman was arrested on alleged charges of battery and false imprisonment by his girlfriend wait for it... Tila Tequila Ha!

Not to make light of stuff like this, but according to on Sunday apperantly Merriman had a party at his house and Miss Tequila was a little bit intoxicated and wanted to drive home. He didn't want her to drive drunk and keep her there she called the cops and she signed a citizens arrest warant hmmm. Merriman's lawyer jumped out in front of this story over the weekend explaning that his client is innocent of all charges against him and that the matter will be resloved quickly.

Not so fast Tila Tequlia also know as Tila Nguyen was initaly not going to release a statement about the charges being filed "Due to the serious nature of this matter, and out of respect for all domestic violence victims and defendants, Ms. Nguyen and her representatives will not be publicly addressing the facts and circumstances of the incident," New York-based attorney Scott E. Leemon saud today.

Well according to Tila's twitter account "I haven't release an official statement on what happened yet because I didn't lie, so no need to release 3 statements to 'cover' myself," which is a direct shot at the Merriman spin on the situation.

She goes on to say "Just wait til the whole story comes out," she said. "I am letting them talk and bash me all they want. I dont care. I know the truth. [A]nd it will come. "Nguyen also hints that she was restrained because of something she had seen: "There is only one reason why I was running for my life.....why was I stopped? Hmmm....maybe the truth didnt want to leave the house."

Tila is calling Tuesday "Judement Day" in that she will give a press confrence and she will give her side of the story. What this all means is up in the air to me I'm just bringing the story, but Merriman is a known steriod user being busted in 2006. Maybe she's got some dirt on the man or she is just building it up to keep that so called career going you never know find out tomorrow it will be every where.


The remake of the 1987 classic Clash of the Titans has been under way for a while now. I really haven't seen much on the blogosphere lately, but MTV News has gotten some behind the scene footage of shit being blown up.

The big draw for this remake for me would be the replacing of all that ugly stop motion animation for those old mythical monsters. So more CGI and slick explosion will most definitely make for a much different movie than the old version.

For those of you who haven't seen the old one the main story is Sam Worthington's character Perseus the son of Zeus must lead a group of men on a dangerous mission. This mission is to stop Hades before he unleashes hell on earth. Yeah the plot is elementary but who cares I just want to see the CGI versions of the monsters. Below is some footage of B roll shot for the film (shit blowing up)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


The big time show stopper at Comic Con got a distibutor about a month ago and now they get a release date. Lionsgate just annouced the date it's going to be released, according to the date this awsome movie is set to be released is April 16 2010, so Matthew Vaughn's nice little masterpiece will been seen right before the big summer push next year. Lionsgate also announced another release for the end of summer it's the new Sly Stallone, Jet Li, Jason Statham and Mickey Rouke action flick The Expendables is set to be let loose on August 20th of 2010 so enjoy.


Well you proably already know buy know and it's not new but I haven't had the net in few days. Thoes film makers at Marvel were bought on Monday by Disney for a small $4 billion dollars. Wow that is a ton of money and who says we are in a recession had not me. For all of you who are worried that in the next Marvel movie that Mickey is going to pop up or that Wolverien will get even more emo and end up at Disney World riding the tea cups don't worry.

Most of the big name superheros are already owned by diffrent studios like the heavy hitters like Spiderman and Iorn Man are owned by Sony and Paramount respectivly. What it does mean is that we may see a bunch of crappy superheros come down the pipe. So get ready to love She Hulk and Captin Marvel yeah fun.