Monday, September 14, 2009


I finally got a chance to see what Kanye West did at the VMA's tonight. Now I don't condone some of the things that man does and I am not a Kanye West apologist, but I can see where he is coming from. Now he didn't have a problem with Taylor Swift he just has a problem with the process and what is judged as award winning artistry. Now I don't know what video that Beyonce was nominated for and I don't know what video Taylor Swift was nominated for I'm sure they were both good. Here is the problem the people that vote for these things are corporate yuppies that have to cater to their core audience which is hate to say the 15-25 year old white women who watch all the reality shows and used to watch TRL. That is the reason she won not on her ability to make a breakthrough in video music making they have to sell the ad time and get those girls to watch more TV. This is the main reason I don't watch the Movie Awards anymore I mean when Twilight wins movie of the year over The Dark Night then you know all that goes on at MTV is bullshit. This is just my opinion and I can see where Kanye is coming from just his timing to voice his opinion was not the best in the world it took away from Taylor Swift's moment. Don't get me wrong Taylor Swift is an amazing talent and is legit, she writes and composes her own stuff, she has got talent unlike a lot of the put together teen pop stars. If you haven't seen it yet here you go tell me what you think leave a comment.

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