Tuesday, November 30, 2010


you have got to love this time of year it's a great thing food, family and booze. If you have to go somewhere this season and they don't watch TV there or the man of the house isn't quite the man of the house to have the game or the big fight on I've got the perfect solution for you.

It's called the Slingbox you can get one at you local Best Buy for the low price of about $100. Now, I know you are wondering what the hell is sling box, well it allows you to watch your TV on any smart phone(android, iPhone, Blackberry. You can be anywhere and watch the game or whatever is on live so if your at that boring Christmas party or holiday dinner just pull out your phone an entertain your self. I though I was going to need one of these this year but, no job and no lady hell got no where to go so I can chill in my sweats and watch anything. That's what happens when you lose a job and people leave you. Wait I always thought it was the opposite way around ladies love a guy without a job and no future so they can try to fix them and make them better. Ah well I'm a broken down house looking for that lady to flip me and make me presentable hahahaha.... so sad I need a drink

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Here is one I haven't seen yet and I'm glad I did. This is playing in front of the Harry Potter movie Hal Jordan is here. For those of you who don't know who that is, it's the Green Lantern the newest super hero franchise from DC Comics. The trailer looks good and Ryan Reynolds is pretty good in whatever he does, but I think he is a littel more serious in this flick. The suit is CGI and look a little silly but maybe I can get past it check it out.


It's a short week for most of the world and you know what that means booze, food and a littel fun. Some of you may have a little down time when the wife has drug you out for some black friday shopping well here are a few films to go check out.

1. Due Date: I know it's been out a while, it has gotten so so reviews but the combination of Downey and Glafikanikis (I fucked that up) is a beast. Check it out and get you laugh on.

2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1: Enough said it's Harry Potter for all you geeks out there, which I am not one, I do not enjoy these films, but you might. I don't recomend taking the kids this one is a little dark and leads to the even darker ending.

3. Faster: This is the one I wan to see. Finally, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is back in the action game. The rated R action game we will see blood, guts and curssing fuck yeah(had to include that just because). Below is the Redband trailer enjoy the show.

Check out my column on suburbanlegendz.blogspot.com and my dating column at Examiner.com/phoenix

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Check out the new trailer for Sucker Punch by one of my favorite directors Zac Snyder.


Check out the trailer for the new Natalie Portman, Ashton Kutcher project. Now looking at it the story is simple and typical. Boy and girl are best friends girl is too busy with her career for a realtionship boy and girl have sex. Boy falls for girl and emotions get in the way. Isn't that the way it always goes down well watching this it's not too bad a great date movie if you got one. If you not not me you don't have one and will never watch it. Check out the role Luda got.


Now here we go haven't done this in a while, but here we go agian. The drink of the week is something I just like to say to a bartender, it's Pure White Evil

5 oz. Everclear, 190 proof
2 oz. rum
2 oz. Vodka
5 oz. whiskey
1 dash lemon juice

Mix it all together, light, drink and good luck to you for the rest of the night hoper you have nowhere to be tomorrow.


Well I've got a little more time on my hands now so I should be posting more fun. Let's start this off with some breaking news. According to Slashfilm.com the Columbia Pictures reboot of Spider Man has got their Uncle Ben it's going to be Martin Sheen.

This is a main character and the main reason Peter Parker becomes the spandex wearing crime fighter. It's should be very interesting to hear the famous "With great power comes great responsibility" maybe he should've said that to his son Charlie.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Now I know for some of you Halloween is just another holiday for you to buy something your kids will not care about in about three days. Another opportunity for kids to gather and spread germs and for the older teens bag snatch (don't act like you didn't do it). For me however it's probably my favorite holiday as an adult.

I have no kids like all of you know, but the main reason I love Halloween as an dult is because everybody lets loose. For those adult parties you get to see women dressed in as little as possible and call it a costume. There are so many costumes that are just lingerie past off as a sexy cat, nurse, devil, angel, witch, vampire etc, etc. It's pretty amazing I know some women who work out a month in advance just so they look good in there stripper heels. This weekend you single guys out there take advantage, hell if you not, take advantage. Let you lady dress up like the stripper she wants to dress like, because this holiday is the "slut" pass that every woman get once a year and the excuse is it's just Halloween or I was drunk. Ok ladies don't get me wrong not all of you are sluts or strippers don't get me wrong not saying that, but from past experience this is kind of what happens.

From college on the girls try to dress as sexy as possible up until they get the kids and have to do the march around town getting candy. the parties tend to be a little less inhibited as well if you are at a house party don't be surprised to see a tit pop out at some point or even at a bar. Ladies it's not just you guys that let loose we fellas do as well. Check out every guys who wants to be a Spartan warrior form 300, cop, firefighter or whatever. It's just the chance of us to be what we always wanted to be or something to break the ice with that sexy chick dressed the the female Iron Man outfit with the belly out, boy shorts and high heel boots. We become a little more outgoing because well you can't see what we look like or who we are a little funny. Overall it's just a good time I dig it and for one night there will be a lot of role playing going on in bedrooms and hotel rooms which is always fun and being a little naughty never hurt anybody once a year so all you ladies hope you worked out to fit into your outfit and it you didn't just cover it up and the same goes for you fellas. You don't want to be the fat Spartan that stayed in the back picking up the dead saying you have a thyroid problem.


Wow it has been a long time since I did this I'm a little rusty well here we go. Went to my go to spot Cinemablend.com and found this little tid bit. One of the best directors out right now and in my opion the best Christopher Nolan has announced the title of the next Batman movie. It will be called The Dark Knight Rises , it sounds cool, but doesn't give much light into the villain for the sequel which is all I want to know. According to some reports it was rumored to be The Riddler but that has since been debunked and now there are casting calls being put out for the female lead in the film so maybe Catwoman? Hmm, that would be very interesting.

So here is a little taste of what I've got in store football season is winding down and I will have more time to research and blog so there will be more to come I promise. There will be more babe of the week, sports stuff, film reviews (becasue I will watch them), tech reviews and just crazy shit because it's time to live life again.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Since I have time now while working overtime here is the new International trailer for Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis' new comedy called Due Date. Downey plays a business man that needs to get home for the birth of his child. Galifiankakis is a struggling actor who's along for the ride. The director of The Hangover Todd Phillips is at the helm on this one. This looks great and Downey is great playing the straight man off of Galifianakis' silliness. Take a look and can you spot the cameo of the Osacar winner.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


More plot details have come out of Hollywood on the new insert in the Men In Black franchise. I'm being really lazy so I'm going to post this link to Joblo.com where the story has originated.

Some of the plot is sketchy since there are about two different drafts of the scripts that are out there. Here is a quick break down of what I've read there are a few spoilers so if you don't want to know stop reading.

I the plot consist of one baddie from the Joblo article again I'm being lazy go to the link and read it for the name of the baddie. There is also a bunch of new celeb camos that will reveal never before know aliens. The reason they are new aliens is because there is a new time travel plot, where J goes back into time to save and work with the younger K (Josh Brolin). The older K played by Tommy Lee Jones will be sprinkled in there, but most of the movie will take place in the 70's so get ready for really random celeb cameos like I said. So go to Joblo.com read more I'm done for the evening got some thinking to do and choices to make.


Well for all of you cinematic types out there today is a great day. Google wants to make you famous with their "Life i the Day" project. Where Google is asking anyone to film anything on the day of July 24th 2010 and you might make it into the documentary that is being made.

It's a legit project as well "Touching the Void" director Kevin Macdonald and Excutive Producer Ridley Scott of such projects like "Gladiator" will be putting it together. Only stipulation is that you film a moment in that day. The most "compelling" moments will be put into the documentary. Everyone who has footage used will be credited as "co-directors" and the film will be screened at the 2011 Sundance Film festival. Twenty of the luckiest co-directors will be joining Macdonald and Scott at the premier in Park City Utah.

If your footage is not used don't worry your film will live on at the "Lfe in a Day" channel on Youtube. I don't know about you but I will try to give this a shot I'll be in Carlsbad California and will be filming anyway for the Apollo Football 2010 documentary that I am trying to get off the ground so hey I may capture a moment. Here is the link for more info.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I'm at lunch right now a little bored waiting for my iPod software to get done updating and ran across this. I said about a year ago they were making a Paranormal Activity sequel well here is the teaser trailer. The trailer is playing in front of the movie that will remain nameless and made over $30 million dollars last night.

It picks up right where the last one left off. The thing that made the first one good was the fact that it was so minimalistic that it was charming. You didn't need big budget gore to make you feel freaked out. I hope it captures the same charm, but I think it's a grab for cash and will fizzle so here is the teaser.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


More bad news for Tiger now his old wing coach is getting in on the act. I got this story from Sports by Brooks, in a recent interview with Golf Digest's Guy Yocom Haney goes into details about the six year realationship that they had.

During the interview Yocom asked Haney about his relationship after The Masters:

Haney: I talked to him only two times after that. That was his way of blaming me. Maybe I’m reading too much into it; maybe I’m being too sensitive. But when someone doesn’t talk to you…

Golf Digest: You felt the onus was on him to call you?

Haney: Right. I sent him an e-mail on everything I thought he should do and work on. I got no acknowledgement at all, but that wasn’t unusual. Then it got to the point where I didn’t know what he was doing or thinking. Yet the whole time he was telling the media I was still his teacher and that I was going to continue to be his teacher and I was talking to him every night.

Golf Digest: It sounds like it became dysfunctional.

Haney: It didn’t get dysfunctional; it always was dysfunctional.
Golf Digest: Do you feel you went out at the top?

Haney: Absolutely. To come back from five months off this year and finish fourth at Augusta, I don’t think that was too bad. After Augusta, he was on his own.

More on the nature of their relationship:

Golf Digest: What were the demands that came with being Tiger’s coach that the average person might not be aware of?

Haney: One example is, he didn’t plan ahead a lot, and therefore I didn’t plan ahead because I didn’t want people to know his schedule. I would guess when he would be playing, and I’d block my schedule out in case he would call. I never wanted to say I wasn’t available. And in the six years I was with him, I never did say that. Whenever he called me, I was there within 24 hours.

Golf Digest: Can you describe other frustrations?

Haney: Every once in a while I sent him some pretty long e-mails or texts on things I thought he needed to do. I sent one after the 2006 U.S. Open at Winged Foot. Tiger never even acknowledged he got the e-mail. That was just the way he was. He never responded that he even got it. There was one time when Elin told me, “Hey, Tiger got your e-mail, and he really liked it.”

Golf Digest: Was Tiger generous with you? Did he express his appreciation to you in unusual ways, such as signing flags for you or dropping you notes?

Haney: Generosity is relative. It was generous of him to give me the job. I don’t have anything signed by Tiger, no. Not one thing.

Golf Digest: Did Tiger pay you well?

Haney: I don’t want to answer that. There’s no reason for me to go there.

Golf Digest: It’s been said that Tiger views any association with him as helping that person out. Do you go along with that?

Haney: You said it, I didn’t.

By that last remark, Haney was certainly implying that Woods was tight with the wallet. Interesting comment from Haney considering he said this of being Woods’ coach at the beginning of the interview:

It’s not a job. Teaching touring pros has always been, and always will be, a marketing expense. It’s for personal satisfaction, for contributing to history, and for marketing your brand.

Now reading this it's pretty hardcore for a swing coach that no one knew until Tiger came along and made him a household name. Hell he may owe all the business he got to Tiger, now he gets to charge so much to wealthy dudes with shitty hadicaps like me. Just another day in the life of Tiger damn everybody hates the kid.


Wow well I think people are running out of original material to make movies out of. Here is a little bit of news that will make facebook junkies (like me) and people who need to waste time at work a little more happy. One of your favorite apps is becoming a movie,according to Pajiba Mafia wars is becoming a feature film.

For all of you who haven't played or just refuse to get a facebook account here is a quick synopsis of the game. It's not an actual video game more like a point and click adventure game role playing game out there for all you computer freaks (again like me). You collect guns and money while getting other members of your mob to kick the shit out of people or just complete missions. I don't really know how you turn this into a movies hell I got bored with it in about three days.

The people at Radar Films don't have a plot yet, but they promise that they are going to make this a real crime thriller. Well I will believe it when I see it just sounds like another rehash of the same old mob movies. If you want a mobster movie just go with the Godfather people. I'm not looking forward to anything about this movie just like I'm not looking forward to that dumbass Battleship movie. I guess everyone wants to relive their childhood.


Well a few years ago before I started this I heard the rumors of a Top Gun sequel in the works. Well more news has popped up recently according to Aint It Cool News.

In a recent interview with MTV about the film THE SORCERER'S APPRENTICE, the mega producer Jerry Bruckheimer tossed some more fuel on the fire.

"We tried to develop [a sequel] and we couldn't do it-- I was with my partner Don Simpson," Bruckheimer explained. "And then Tom took it over and he tried to develop something and it never quite happened." That's all in the past though. It turns out that "Top Gun" has been the subject of much more recent sequel discussions as well.

"We were recently approached again to start talking about it but, you know, nothing yet," he continued. "We kicked around some ideas because the aviation community has completely changed since we made the movie a long time ago. So we have to find a way in and how to incorporate the Maverick character into it."

I wasn't a real big fan of Top Gun not a super big fans of dudes oiled up playing volleyball in jeans. That might be a little gay just a thought but hey for all of you wanting 80's Cruise back get your hopes up.


Since I am home sick I decided to do some blogging to get my mind off of other things. Take a look at the trailer for Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. I haven't seen one of these movies in a while and they entertain me. Yes I said it, but you will never get me to see a Twilight film.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Monday was a big day at E3 for everyone especially with Microsoft. The ten year anniversary of the console, it was also the big pay off with Microsoft’s “Project Natal” which is now renamed “Kinect”. Microsoft is really pushing this new technology and game play this year. Kinect was introduced on Sunday before E3 it is a peripheral which will connect to all Xbox 360’s that are out there and the new design which I will get into later. Kinect is the big seller this year and for me it looks amazing with the freedom to do almost anything on your Xbox with just the wave of your hand. That’s right no more controllers for us Xbox users. In the 2010 holiday season there will be fifteen Kinect games that will released along with the connect device it’s self.

Regarding the Kinect, the device was impressive from the ability of the device to recognize you by just scanning your body and uploading you Xbox avatar. I think this is great and has endless possibilities then again I’m just a big fan of this controller less technology. With the ability to video chat with the device and communicate with almost anyone around the world with a simple wave of the hand or even a voice command. Along with video chat you can also browse the internet together or even watch a movie at the same time taking communicating with others to new heights. Kinect will also allow the user to access all of Xbox Live’s menus and functions without the controller as well making it simple to scroll through you downloaded movies, facebook page and playlist that are downloaded to your Xbox. Along with the Kinect Microsoft also announced their partnership with ESPN in which they will broadcast live sporting events to all Xbox Live Gold members for free offering you the ability to root for all of you favorite teams. Now to the games, there were a variety of new games for the Kinect that will allow you to move freely in the virtual world in you living room. With a multitude of games coming in the holiday season which will give you a variety of gaming options from dance and fitness titles to racing and adventure titles. So this will be something that I will be into so if you come by the house you will see me jumping around my living room like an idiot. Just deal with it there were also games that they unveiled as well so let’s get into those.

They previewed a few trailers in the beginning and one I was really excited about the first game made for Xbox by the creators of Metal Gear Solid called Metal Gear Solid: Rising. This one looks impressive and smooth the in game action looked good and bloody, but by far is not finished. There were also a few more big titles that were debuted.

Cliffy B was there from Epic games is show off Gears of War 3. In this demo he demonstrated the ability to play a four person co op campaign and also debuted two new female characters as well as beast mode. With the mutating enemies it was a pretty impressive demo and shows some real potential and will no doubt be a huge seller when it comes out in November.

We also saw Call of Duty: Black Ops, this game will be set in Vietnam. The trailer and demo that was shown was like most expected, excellent. The look was well done and hey we have seen that from most E3 games you have got to put your best foot forward. They also made the announcement that all Call of Duty games will be released on the 360 before any other console can get their hands on them. So that means if you want to be the first to get Call of Duty you need to switch to the Xbox. Release date November 9

We also saw a trailer for Fable III, it looks like it is set in more modern times. It looks more like colonial times other than that you will still have all of your magic, mayhem and all the free will you want. I wasn’t a fan of the first two games and I’m sure I won’t be of this one. Any game where I can make my guy fall in love with another man and it’s not the Sims then I say no sir.

What Microsoft E3 would be complete without the traditional Halo game? This year it would be Halo Reach all we saw out of this one was more of the same Halo game play. Except this story is more of prequel to the original game setting things up for when we first meet Master Chief. The one thing that I enjoyed from the footage shown was the squad play like ODST, but with more Spartans and more of those guys equals just more fun and one is a female. Also, they showed a glimpse of possible aerial combat to come in space cruisers which is a nice touch to the game play. Release Date September 14th.

Lastly Microsoft did something I thought they would do a long time ago. They announced that they have redesigned the Xbox 360 it is now all black and slimmer. Now, you want to talk about sexy this thing would look great in you living room and will look god in mine when I get it. It also will come along with 250 GB of hard drive memory and built in wireless internet no blu ray that I know of. No blu ray really sucks but it will allow you to view high definition movies on it I may have to just stick in a blu ray disk and see what happens. The big news in all of this is that the price of all this that you get is $299 which is awesome and the new system shipped out yesterday and will be on shelves this week. Check out the video below.

Monday, June 14, 2010


So I totally forgot that this huge event started. If you don't know what E3 is, it is where a multi billion dollar form of entertainment gets together and teases everyone with the next great money making ideas that will be out in the next year concerning video gaming. This is a great event for gamers like me and people who love to see the evolution of technology. Each company in the first day gets about two hours to hold a press conference to show what they have at the show this year. The one I'm going to start off with is the company Ubisoft. There were more before it, but I was out and well like I said before I forgot about is so I will review those after I get a chance to watch them online. Here is the break down from Ubisoft's presser though enjoy.

Ok, so I'm not in Los Angeles to watch this live, but I would give my left nut to be there covering it. Put is this way E3 is on my bucket list I will tell you that. So good thing I have Directv (plug, plug) and they give me the G4 network so I get to watch it live. The presser started out impressive with a small Chinese man conducting music with no orchestra and amazing visuals. As it was ending G4 decided to have technical difficulties and I missed out on what the hell was going on but it was impressive. The presser was hosted by Joel Mchale which brought major entertainment and they went about pushing the point that this year gaming will be all about the feel of games. Not in a physical pain way because if that were the case with all the games that I play that involve shooting, stabbing or hitting someone I will be a very beat up person. No, it's all about the emotional experience and they started off by showing off Ubisoft's crown jewel in Assassins Creed: Brotherhood. I'm telling you it looked amazing they showed a cinematic scene to intro it and it was well done. You can tell there was motion capture done with it and done beautifully. The game play showed that was great as well with new aggressive game play unlike the last two games that were more on counter attacks and stealth. It looks amazing and can't wait for it be released which it is set to release November 16th so look for that.

The presser then moved on to Shawn White looking at his new skateboard game. I'm not a huge fan of the skateboard games and White's last game sucked ass so anything is a improvement. As with this game the innovative thing that looked great was the ability to change the enviorments while in game play could be interesting, but not for me. After Mr. White left the stage Mchale then stated getting into his routine and then a ruckus began in the balcony and we see people running around the theater and wouldn't you know it they have laser tag guns. Apparently, Ubisoft created a laser tag game and gun that you can use at home. Some people love this idea I don't like this idea, so much that I decided to take a shower during this segment and totally ignored it. I'm sorry, I don't want to be running around my living room with a gun shooting at check points and my apartment isn't that big there will be no fun.

Next Ubisoft unveiled it's addition to the video gaming version of fitness at home with it's motion sports. Now this technology has been blowing me away with Xbox 360's Kinetic which debuted last year under the name Project Natal. The motion sports is great you can use the Kinect to do all sports and the ability to sync your body's movements on the screen is great. It's just like Wii sports, but I can do it on the Xbox 360 that's what sold me.

The last thing that I really liked was the new Ghost Recon: Future Solider game. With the new weapons and stealth suits how can you not love it. The visuals were amazing and the demo that they showed was small, but gave you a glimpse into what they will be able to do. The game play is simpler and the ability to use and switch to your other squad members will be what interest me about all of that. There were a few little things that Ubisoft is banking on like the ability for gamers to build and customize your own levels in gaming. This means creating your own game in simpler terms don't know how it will work out, but hey you never know so we will see how it works out.

So those were the key points that I saw from the presser that made me sit up and say hmmm. I will try to post the presser up here so you can take a look for yourself. So keep you browsers looked in here for more updates and reviews of all the pressers and news. It should be a great expo and year for games the technology is improving and evolving it's a great time to be a gamer.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I love looking at this beautiful woman it's Brookly Decker. She is the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover gal. She unfortunately married to Andy Roddick the tennis player (a little jelious) and she is in the new movie that Adam Sandler, Nicole Kiddman and Jennifer Aniston are staring in called Just Go With It tenetive title as of now. Check the pics it's positive.


I knoe this is going to be old but screw it. Got this video from slashfilm.com and the got it from Entertainment Tonight. Here is some set fotage from the upcoming Marvel Studios film Thor

Here is the plot synopsis

Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment present the epic adventure, “Thor,” which spans the Marvel Universe from present day Earth to the realm of Asgard. At the center of the story is the mighty Thor (Chris Hemsworth), a powerful but arrogant warrior whose reckless actions reignite an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth by his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins) and is forced to live among humans. A beautiful, young scientist, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), has a profound effect on Thor, as she ultimately becomes his first love. It’s while here on Earth that Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dangerous villain of his world sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth.


Ok I'm trying to get back into this bringing you guys news I've got a little extra time on my hands now and let's see what I do with it. Well if you have been reading other blogs in the bas few months you know that both Shia LaBeouf and director Michael Bay have acknowledged that Transformers 2 basically sucked.

According to USA Today Bay is quoted as saying the villain The Fallen was "kind of a (expletive) character.” You fill in the blank I think it might be shitty. Well from Mr. Bay he thinks the villain was all kinds of awful because no one really knew who he was unless you were a Transformers junkie. Well according to Bay the new villain will be Shockwave.

If your not familiar with Shockwave, a Decepticon, because he spends a lot of his time on Cybertron. Shockwave is cold and calculating which could mean some conflict of leadership among the Decepticons. While, Megatron is gone he ends up becoming the leader of both the Decepticons and Autobots. In the original Shockwave doesn't really have a earthly vehicle he is pretty much a giant laser gun. I'm sure the master of explosions Bay will figure out a way to make him transform.

Friday, June 4, 2010


All time great coach John Wooden was admitted to the hospital and his condition is grave according to ESPN. Some of you may not know who Wooden is, but this man lead UCLA to eleven straight NCAA tournament championships. He coached greats like Lou Alcindor and Bill Walton. Wodden is 99 years old and is reported as saying he is "at peace" with his impending fate. He was a great man taught great lessons on leadership and making sure you do what you do to perfection. The biggest thing I took from him is that we don't prepare for you we do what we do well and you have to prepare for us that's how I go about coaching and that will stick with me.


I know it's been a while damn I need to do more of this. Well here is a trailer for Jack Black's new project Gulliver's Travels looks a little funny, but it's your typical Jack Black film check it out below and check out a full synopsis of the plot at Slashfilm.com

Monday, February 1, 2010


According to the UK tabloid OK magazine there might be some news on who will play Spider Man in the upcoming reboot of the action franchise. Rumor has it that Tobey Maguire has pick Zac Efron to be the new Peter Parker.

The director for the flick is going to be Marc Webb and the writer of the source material that the studio is using, Ultimate Spider-Man, Michael Bendis is penning the script. Since this is a UK magazine they tend to make things up, but according to the website I got this from (Slashfilm.com) they are having a hard time disproving this rumor. So OK may have this one right then again I've got no problem with it as long as there is no singing and dancing were good, but you could keep Vannessa Hudgens around that would be great.


Well the big game is Sunday and anybody who's anybody will be watching. Well, if you don't you just don't like football or you just hate anything popular. I will be watching and having a few drinks trying to think of an excuse to get out of work for the coming Monday.

The big news so far this week is that Dwight Freeny has a torn ligamate in his ankle. This could be a big deal for the Colts... oh wait they have Peyton Manning they still have the advantage. More News to come on the big game where will you be watching.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Unless you are living under a rock and are not a football fan you know who Chris Johnson is. He would be the blur running by defenders on Sundays when he is wearing his Tennessee Titans uniform. Today the former East Carolina star was named NFL Offensive Player of the Year by the Associated Press. He got 38 1/2 of the 50 votes that were cast beating out Drew Brees who only got a poultry 9 votes.

Johnson amassed 2,509 total yard which was an NFL record and was only the sixth back in NFL history with 2,000 yards rushing. He was the first back to rush for 2,000 and have 500 yards receiving. This is damn good and he deserved it how he didn't get any votes for MVP is beyond me. It must just be a quarterback thing I think he got Jewed, but what do I know, congrats Mr. Johnson.



Here is a shot that you and especially your lady will like. Well all like gummy bears right? But, which ones do you eat first... the white ones that's right here's the shot you can take all night and the little lady will love you for it.

White Gummy Bear
1 oz. good vodka
1/2 oz. raspberry schnapps
1/2 oz. cranberry juice


This one is new too me but probably old to those of you who like tween, emo, vampire flicks. I know her best from the film Terminator Salvation and if you watch the directors cut she really has no objections to nudity. She is also sign on to work for George Tillman Jr on Faster. This is a CBS made for television film and starring Billy Bob Thorton and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson so take what you want from that she will be playing the obligatory girlfriend role. For now look at this pic and enjoy.


For those of you like my self who saw Sherlock Holmes in theaters you rally enjoyed it. Then again everything that Robert Downey Jr has done in the past few years I have really enjoyed, even the black face in Tropic Thunder. If you didn't like it get a sense of humor people. Well for fans of Holmes there is some good news, but for fans of Downey and his friend Jon Favreau.

Due to the gigantic success Sherlock Holmes was grossing over $300 million and climbing Warner Bros. had green lit the sequel. According to Entertainment Weekly the cast and crew are being round up again and shooting is to begin in June. What is bad news is the Downey Jr had to dump his next project Cowboys & Aliens which Favreau was directing.

Like I said before I really liked Sherlock Holmes and the fact that Brad Pitt is going to be playing the nemesis is great. Yes, that was Pitt at the end of the movie and the puppet master behind McAdam's character. I really can't wait for Iron Man 2 as well next summer should be fun.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This is a great song and will just give you the lift you need on the day


Well the long awaited Spidey 4 has been killed. According to msn.com there a reports that Sony Pictures has pulled out of the movie and all production has been halted. This means the end of the franchise from Sony's end and the end of the collaboration with Sam Rammi. the film was supposed to start production in February 2010, but was pushed back to March 2010 because Rammi didn't like the script. The Script has been rewritten three times already and was currently under more rewrites as we speak which pissed off Sony causing them to back out. Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst were already signed on and waiting to get the word to start shooting. The two stars got the bad news yesterday, but the crew was told to clean out their offices about a mont ago signaling the end of the franchise.

The other big news is that Sony wants to reboot the franchise in 2012 bringing the whole thing back to the start with a new director and a new star. I think this is a really bad idea. I'm not an industry insider just a guy who likes movies and the last Spider Man was shit and the guy who wrote it was rewriting number four so it may not have been a good movie anyway. I think rebooting this franchise so quickly after only ten years since the first one is going to be a disaster and I personally won't watch it. I mean they just started getting into the good villains for Spidey and the relationship with Mary Jane so this could all blow up in Sony's face just because they wanted to rush the movie and put out another shit product.